Last time, we talked about an agent’s take on self-publishing. Today, let’s talk about what some editors had to say.
Of the four editors who met with me, only one said that her publishing house would not pick up self-published books. The fun side-note to this story is that she liked my books well enough to ask her editor-in-chief if they could make an exception by repackaging my books. Turns out, the answer was no, but in any event, the experience provided a booster shot to my confidence level.
The other three editors didn’t care if my books were self-published. Their interest seemed to lie in the following areas:
· My pitch: Was it well-crafted? Did it meet their
genre and audience needs?
· My presentation: Was I prepared and had I done
my homework on their publishing house? How did I “market” myself?
Meeting with editors and agents is like interviewing. Yes,
they are interested in your qualifications and experience. But beyond that,
they are interested in you as a person and if you are a good fit for their
team.If you’re a self-published author wondering if a publishing house might be interested in your book, the answer is maybe. Some publishers see self-publishing as competition and will not acquire self-published books.
Others will consider self-published works if what you have to offer matches what they need.
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