A week ago tomorrow, I checked into my room for the Florida Christian Writer's Conference, and the first thing I did was search for an electrical outlet. (Finding the Lake Yale Conference Center is not the easiest thing to do, and the GPS program had nearly exhausted the battery life on my cell phone.)
My eyes scanned the wall next to the vanity, expecting to find an outlet. There was none. I finally pulled the television cabinet away from the wall to plug in my phone.
The next day, Author Stephen James spoke about the need for writers to "change their perspective." In other words, try to look at ordinary things from a different perspective to gain a new appreciation and understanding.
That evening, I went to my room, and as I washed my face, I looked up. Guess what? There was an electrical outlet - above the mirror.
So accustomed to finding outlets along the wall, I never even thought to check above the vanity.
I think it's easy for us to develop "tunnel vision" and expect life to neatly fit into the box we've made for it. But how much more interesting would life be if we parted ways with our ordinary expectations and changed our viewpoint?
And how much less trying would life be if instead of trying to solve our problems with our own limited solutions, we remembered instead to "look up" to the One infinitely wiser than we?
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