Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Adventure Continues

Hello, my friends and readers! When I started Anonymous to Author back in 2010, I had just self-published my first book, and I wanted a place where I could share my self-publishing journey with other aspiring writers.

Five years and three books later, I still write young adult suspense, but I also have made young adult discipleship an emphasis of my writing ministry. Yes, ministry. Whatever God has called us to do is our ministry, and writing is one of mine.

That said, the bulk of my blogging time is now dedicated to a website I've created called, an online community for young women who want to think biblically about themselves, others, God and anything else. If you are a teen or know one, I'd encourage you to stop by.

I also invite you to visit my author website for updates on my writing and speaking.

Of course if you have questions about self-publishing or publishing in general, I'd still be glad to answer your questions if I can. Feel free to contact me. Perhaps you will see the answer in a post here at Anonymous to Author one day.

Blessings to you in your writing adventures!
