Is it really November 23? As I think back over the last few
months, I am thankful and excited to share with you several updates.
- Awakening Sun is available in both paperback and Kindle formats. If you can’t think what to get the teenager in your life for Christmas, may I suggest it would make a marvelous Christmas gift?
- I’ve launched a blog called Think True Thoughts designed for teen girls and their friends. Living in today’s world is anything but easy for teens, and I’ve designed this blog community to be a place they can find refreshment, encouragement and motivation for living lives pleasing to Christ. Take a moment to stop by and visit!
I will be joining the faculty at the Florida Christian Writer’s Conference (FCWC) next year, presenting a workshop on free and easy technology tools available to help writers present themselves and their platforms with professionalism.
Thoughts on Thanksgiving
This time of year leaves many feeling fatigued – as if they
are sprinting to the year’s finish line – and sometimes, I feel that way
myself. *Gasp* The year can’t be gone! I
have so much else I want to do!!
When I feel that way, I have to pause and remember all the
good things God’s given me this year – and also the things He’s chosen not to
give me. (After all, God’s refusals are His mercies.)
Thanksgiving is an opportunity to enjoy quiet time,
refreshment, and good old-fashioned fellowship with friends and family. I’m
tempted not to look at the Black Friday ads, because I don’t want to face mobs
and mounds of merchandise. I want to curl up at home and catch my breath.
That’s my challenge to you this Thanksgiving: Take a
breather and count your blessings. The year’s finish line is weeks away, and if
we’re going to finish well, we can’t be out of breath.