Sunday, December 26, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Arrival in Afghanistan in Time for Christmas

My brother Joe received his copy of my book just in time for Christmas! We weren't sure the package would reach Afghanistan where he is serving before Christmas, but it did. Joe inspired this series idea, and his getting the book on Christmas makes it all that more special.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Amazon Author Center

I have discovered a neat tool Amazon offers called the Amazon Author Center. It lets you manage your profile (image, biography) and also contact Amazon directly with questions or comments. For instance, Amazon incorrectly showed my target age group as 9-12. I e-mailed them and learned that if a book is suitable for adults, no age group should show. Since my book is suitable for all ages (though targeting young adults 13-18), Amazon removed the reference altogether. I am impressed with this service.

If you are interested, go to the link below, and click on Amazon's Kristen Hogrefe Page.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wings of the Dawn, Book 1

Officially. Self-Published. I feel a little like Anne Bradstreet in her poem "The Author to Her Book," but at the same time, I am so excited! Check out "Wings of the Dawn, Book 1: Captive Beneath the Bahamian Sky" at the link below.

You can also check it out at Amazon and Barnes &